Monday, May 22, 2006

Desperately in need of a Digital Camera

Too many things are happening nowadays. Last days at home, meeting freinds and stuff. People coming and going. Stuff I'd love to remember one day. But the big downside is that I dont have a digital camera. Finalized some things with someone who doesnt exist and will hopefully spend some time with my new imaginary friend before going to the states. Today we even went out and had dinner together. <-- Okay this is one of the main reasons why I need that camera. I'm not nuts.

Anyways Azi is coming from Pindi tomorrow for a job interview and he'll bunk at my place. But hey, maybe I'll be able to take my brothers video camera and capture this, not such a bad idea. Anyways I have a considerable amount of homework to do before starting off with the imaginary person who doesnt exist and with whom I didnt have a conversation this night. Okay until next time, toodles.

P.S. Someone buy me a digital Camera. I wish my blog had more pictures in it.


Anonymous said...

better get a good mobile phone with camera and get the real Cannon camera when you go abroad. its too wasteful to spend on cameras in pakistan. they are expensive and they donot give good results

Saad said...

haha.. imaginary friend!!
Haaaaaaaave u met Bob? :P